How to register as a seller on Flipkart? A step by step guide
Selling on Flipkart is really easy! Follow the steps below to become a seller:
Step 1
Visit and hover to the "Register Today" or "Start Selling" section
Step 2
Use your mobile number and email id to sign up on Enter the OTP sent on your mobile number for verification
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Step 3
Enter pin code to verify if the Flipkart pickup services available or not at your location
Step 4
Enter your GSTIN details and conitnue
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Step 5
Enter you bank account details on next page and click on continue
Step 6
Upload all scanned documents and wait to get approved.
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You also need to update your digital signature at the end of the process. Also a sample amount will be transfered to your bank account by Flipkart to verify the details. You need check and submit that amount for the bank account verification.